Sunday, August 16, 2009

A vision of students today!!!

Hi guys!!

Watch the video, analize it. Try to relate the video with the situation we have in our country, in our schools and universities. You as STUDENTS of this new society WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? Don't forget to leave your comment!! See you...=)


RoSs said...

I completely agree with everything he says and expresses this video, here's how the TEGNOLOGIA becoming to all students in weak, conformist and mediocre, it's good to see these videos to realize as youth goes down, and increasingly now that we take time to raise your head and learn from our mistakes and to amend, it appears that here in this video is not only in other countries, Colombia is also, not all schools because there aren´t the facilities, but I was up in the vast majority do.
Remember Friends juanes says "I´s Time to Change"
Comment By Rosemberg Arrieta "The Best"

Gloria said...

the video is very interesting. I like it a lot. is very good. we aren´t utilize our mind to make new things, we always want to things easy. we aren´t aspire to get do thing to this world nobody want reflect, think or read a book by easy to find on web.we aren´t useful society. the technology is a big implement but the people aren´t advantage and they are wasting its big importance


kenkin Kathiuska said...

Hi, my name is Kenkin
After I see the video; I think that the video show us the reality about the use or bad use of Technology.
Exist a small part of students in the world that, they learn using the Net, but others only spend your time in unproductive web pages.
The patterns, the schedules, the chalkboard, etc, are causes for the young are born and they are looking others possibilities of learning with activities which they can enjoy.
If the young’s act with responsibility about yourselves, they can make good decision about yours education and yours lives.
This is a good form to they show to world a problem that although we didn’t create, they are our problem, because our thinks today, tomorrow or in the future they are our present.

claudia patricia said...

This video is very real in our society too, maybe,a lot of people see the tecnology as a big implement ,that help with the work and makes best the life .but, unfotunately we, the teenagers of the World are spend the time so much in things unnecessary as the FACEBOOK,MSN ….. and leave the study and work as some minus important for our lives and we have not understood yet that this two stuff :the tecnology and the work ,can work together and we can be best in the future .
Must use the mind and reflect more…

Come on guys , we can do it !!!!!!!!

By claudia alvarez ardila


Hi, I'm Angélica Sánchez

Comparing the educational systems, I dare say while it is a system to develop competencies, missing more integral. In my opinion is remains being a system mediocre whit leads to humans at materialize their existence and overlooked a little more than essence. Of such a way that the individual develops powers to do more not being, situation tends to be criticized at the time of world must face.
Today the adolescents are focused on a world more facility by the technology, falling in trap what of life brain. We are accustomed makes greater use of media making them who really develop our work and dot o by supposedly be mostly productive, time vs. Amount.

jorge_osorio said...

The video leads us to believe that lack of awareness of some individuals to take the tools and resources that provide the technology that causes these people are little affected productive creativity, innovation, use of hand tools and the development of their thoughts this could be seen as a negative aspect to the misuse of technology that could be avoided with training strategies for the use of all means. At the point of being complementary tools in no way suplantaría books and libraries among others.

luz elena said...

Hi, my name is luz.
after of see the video I think is the reality what the students in university and school live in actually because the technology can facility your life, most the thousand students want easy for dedicate in others most enjoy, go to the class for listen only the what is interesting.
the students forget the important what is writte, play atencion in the class, every the what school like change the thing the students.
we can use the technology for best the study but not for lost time in the class.

MIDS said...

this video is very interesithing because i´m agree with everything he says, the teenaeger using this technology rather not a good use for him but missed, because we are very much in the facebook, msn and pages that we shouldn´t enter.
in short words.we don´t seize the property of the technology for our progress in this world where we just a style that gives us problems and although it makes us a great help for people who want everything easy.

By: Brayan Marin...

adriana said...

The video is very important and interesting because reflected the reality of students nowadays.
It is a big problem,beginning for the lounges since some teachers don´t know their students because the lounges are big.
a lot of students don't pay attetion and made other things as listen to music, speak for cellphone, eat, send text messages, surf the net..etc
I think that this has to change for a better future and doens't be conformists.

Dayana Rivera said...

This video is very interesting because this proves to be each of the students they want the easy things.
Everything what expresses this video we give each other you tell that the youth nowadays they are diminishing the learning.
Also this one well that see it in order that they could understand that the technology is not completely if not to know of one itself is important.

dayana said...

hello miss, this video is very interesting because showing Sample like the technology has advanced that has woken the attention more in us the students but we do not handle it adequately, only we use it for things that are not so useful, Without realizing that it is of usefulness for us to improve and to know things that we do not know that happening at present. Thanks miss for this video I understand that we the students of nowadays must use the technology for things mas important that they serve for our benefit. See you.
By dayana Escalante palacio

Mauricio Revuelta said...

This video is completely true, My mum tells me: the time spent is never recovered, but I never pay attention to her, because the teenagers think that we are young and we have time to do a lot of things, but that is not true we spend the time and then we understand, is better use good the time, learning, studying, discovering, new things,and is time to think in our future.
By: Mauricio Revuelta


Hi !!! So many things to say !! The technology is definitely a constant distraction for most people. The problem is we do not know how to use it, and really helps to broaden our knowledge, it is likely that soon we not use or pencil notebooks due to breakthrough technology. This documentary is very interesting because it shows the two ends of the technology, as can be as useful and harmful to our lives.
which to choose ?
this is my opinion ..i like
Laura Niebles :D

Unknown said...

Hi¡¡¡ Miss, How are you?
This video show me the sad reality ,that It is also our reality , the students today and It's very disconcerting because our life is in between the technology and the irresponsibility of don't know use It, so by which our life revolves around websites as facebook, messenger, etc. But We aren't intersted in the study or at least do new and interesting thing,We just want to do, nothing. This situation affects all teenagers in the world but We are not doing anything and this is even worse... " It's time to reflect and try that the technology isn't essential part in uor lives" We are injured in an easy, quiet and virtual form our lives...
Think this...
BY: Karen Vasquez Esmeral.

Unknown said...

Hi¡¡¡ Miss, How are you?
This video show me the sad reality ,that It is also our reality , the students today and It's very disconcerting because our life is in between the technology and the irresponsibility of don't know use It, so by which our life revolves around websites as facebook, messenger, etc. But We aren't intersted in the study or at least do new and interesting thing,We just want to do, nothing. This situation affects all teenagers in the world but We are not doing anything and this is even worse... " It's time to reflect and try that the technology isn't essential part in uor lives" We are injured in an easy, quiet and virtual form our lives...
Think this...
BY: Karen Vasquez Esmeral.

victoria Ferneines H said...

This is an awakening for both students and spreading knowledge, and the teachers. And the methodological ways that teachers used to make easier the understanding of this knowledge. It is the duty of teachers and parents to make students see the benefits of appropriate technology tools and how they use it to obtain good results. Technology is not a bad invention, we must find ways to use its good. It is very important not to overload students classroom, that prevents the concentration in the classroom and the teachers in this domain. We need to create enabling environments for teaching and concern for students.
by: victoria ferneines H

Monica Rozo said...

Monica ROZO: I think that this video is not completely the reality in Our contry, if it is a big thruth that many young people,give to a bad use to the new technologies I think that not all,Our culture Its not catched maybe this video was made in usa or in another eoropean contry that by theyr so released cultures good economy they be engrossed in theinternet,tv, telephone, cellphone etc....for that reason and for may things I think that the video show us is the reality of many american and european young people,maybe the one of some colombian young people but, not the one of all.
I have three reasons to belive this:
1) the parents here in colombia are more careful whit theyr children.
2)The money Is not sufficient to pay high accounts.
3) Maybe the colombians yougs we are more responsability wiht our abligations(i m not sure whit that)
this is my opinion, the video is the reality the young peopple americans or europeansbut but not the reality here in colimbia.

Adriana Moreno said...

I think that the video is very interesting and true, because actually the young don’t have idea of the damage that we are doing for the technology, because we don’t want take the valuable information that can be used for progress in the studies and in our lives. unlike wasting time chatting, in facebook or any other web site that serves don’t useful either in the university or at school.
I think we should reflect and learn to appreciate the opportunities that life gives us that not everyone can study at a university did not even at school.
by:Adriana Moreno

Marta Quiroz Montenegro said...

I'm absolutely agree with this video, often spend more time on watching TV, the computer, surf the net, the work and other vices, and we leave on a corner other things important in the life, we leave to use our brain for what a machine do our work, when this is our responsibility. I hope that this video like you as I like it, because it’s very interesting and gives us a great lesson about not letting obscure by technology; we are all smart and can do amazing things, just is matter of consider trying to be better every day.

by: Marta Quiroz M.

Lilia Adriana said...

the video show us a reality of the modern students'life...their world tourn around the thecnology,stay hours surfing the net..and their studies are set now a days the teenagers only focus on their social life,no pay attention to the classes and often the teachers become invisible to them...
On the other hand some teachers also to blame of the use of chalkboard is decreasing ,because they want that their classes are more interesting and make presentations using diferent programs of the computers and then show to their students with video vin..this makes more interesting the class but can this replace the use of chlakboard??
in my opinion this could be..

Tati said...

Hi miss, I think what this video is very interesting, because it show us since We lost the time in the thing whitout importance, maybe we prefer the easy things

In our country the technology takes to decisive role in the education of the young people, and they aren't using like must be, they lose the time in pages as facebook, messenger and other. We must be more critical, and to take advantage of the resources and to increase the access to the education

The technology has contributed important things like the investigations the communication but each person decides that form uses and, like It wants his present and his future

By Tatiana Ruiz Afanador

katerinne said...

this video try of show whit examples that other people, whit the same age as guive a good use to the time and the tecnology. because we here are not guive importance that in realy this have for can have a future better and also we are not thinking in be somebody important or in do something good whit our life. we just are thinking in live with the moment and do nt guive mind to the future, exactly for that 80% the people are a failure. KATERINNE

Unknown said...

I agree with what the video says because everything is true.
a lot of people in colombia doesn´t matter theirs future. they think in partys, hang out with friends and other things unless the study is that what really interested.
the people in usa are very diferent because they were more independent besides work and study Also people have better technology that allows them to study.


Unknown said...

I agree with what the video says because everything is true.
a lot of people in colombia doesn´t matter theirs future. they think in partys, hang out with friends and other things unless the study is that what really interested.
the people in usa are very diferent because they were more independent besides work and study Also people have better technology that allows them to study.


angelica said...

Hello my name is angelica Diaz. The video is very important because the true reflects us that today we live. It is very important to learn to use the technology giving him a good use. But exiten students who use her to see pages of pornographies. The technology is not a bad I invent but it is necessary to learn to use it.
Also that both the parents and the teachers it is necessary to be hanging of the students do in the lounge of class.
And slightly very important it is that in unsalon of class it is important to implement good metologias and strategy in order that the students center or ouedan to obtain good results.
The video is a good experience for my that I am teacher.
bye bye

michael morales said...

this video just showed me a watch that is not what they tell us lies our parents and teachers ... makes me remember when I was at school when he works and other major technology used in this case to put the Internet to chat or do other things that we should not .... technology is very good because at this time serves us much to work, communicate with other people .... so we must make good use of technology do not waste our time on unimportant things "if we can use technology for fun and all but depending on them, it depends on us" being there as I said Diomedes jejeje =)!!!



This video is very interesting, because it narrates real facts and actually in school and university.
i am agree with what shows the video and it seems me that the studiantes spend but time to him to the Internet, to the cellular that to read a book or to dedicate themselves to study.
I tink that the new technologies are very good but the students have used it to make the things of easy way but, evading their responsibilities

Maria Angelica Mendoza

Agente Contact Center N°1 said...

The young men of nowadays this most of the day stuck to cellular, Internet, mp3 player, the palm or blackberry, that already do not use the same percentage of inventiveness that the young men of the years were using 90's and less than them than them 80's, the children when they start going to the college It turns out to them very easy to learn of these technologies and they leave aside the inventiveness and the imagination to the games of computer, They leave behind the art and music to any program generating sounds (because you believe that the dj is so famous today), One of the possible solutions to this one and other problems not remove these technologies, these are necessary for them, but continue to teach at home games we children played, songs that we listened to children and healthy activities that little by little to avoid that our children are totally dependent on technology, That use the technology it is not harmful, that turn her into his way of life is the dangerous thing


JAILE said...





Must be made more sensitive.


stephani pico vega said...

hola señorita!
like this. good comment I can give about this video is that society interested in issues related to technology but they do not realize that they have opportunities in the government and that do not use but other people would like to take
simply want to use technology for things like facebook or messenger, and spend hours a day haras internet and leaving aside those things that I think are important as education and work
This leads us to think that everything is not tenologia and can easily be responsible to both, ie, technology and education can work together with responsibility

stephani pico vega said...

hola señorita!
like this. good comment I can give about this video is that society interested in issues related to technology but they do not realize that they have opportunities in the government and that do not use but other people would like to take
simply want to use technology for things like facebook or messenger, and spend hours a day haras internet and leaving aside those things that I think are important as education and work
This leads us to think that everything is not tenologia and can easily be responsible to both, ie, technology and education can work together with responsibility

Dr Ricardo said...

I think a great video, it can be seen around the world crisis caused by the internet and technology devices that make us us in mechanical devices or unable to respond to problems on their own ... I invite you to make the effort and not let us carry on this.

att: rands new melody

Dr Ricardo said...

I think a great video, it can be seen around the world crisis caused by the internet and technology devices that make us us in mechanical devices or unable to respond to problems on their own ... I invite you to make the effort and not let us carry on this. our contry is also, not all schools because there aren´t the facilities, but I was up in the vast majority do.

we are the future of the world
Lets do it...

Rands new melody

Yolanda said...

i believe that this video summerizes the characteristics of the students. a lot of the things that they wrote are their thougts of how they see thing how things will be in the future,
their goals, where they will be standing the future. also what they DO learn and what they think.
they need to learn, their interst and what doesn't interst them.
I Believe That ther is no difference.
Students from all over the worl think similar if not the same thing.... One always wonders what our future will be like we all have goals and dreams, And OF course you can also wonder what do i need this for or what good would it do?



jonatan meza restrepo said...

jonathan meza restrepo

I do not like the video that shows not only a reality of what students do to achieve good performance, but also shows that in some cases there is no motivation to make them fight to the future and feet await you just debts

jonatan meza restrepo said...

jonatan meza restrepo

I do not like the video that shows not only a reality of what students do to achieve good performance, but also shows that in some cases there is no motivation to make them fight to the future and feet await you just debts

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I’m sorry to give this homework before the problem was that my computer was not working well.
I think that this video is very Instructive because teach us the true side of the students of today. Is very important that teachers know more about their students, like to know what they do after school or what they like to do in that way the way of teach will be easier for the students and the teachers.
I am Lissette De Leon .

Unknown said...

August 18th/09
Hi Miss!!
I like the way you see the future of these children as soon face the reality of life is to work, pay bills and take our own expense face the battle that day to day work requires us much due to advances in technology as this is changing very rapidly, there is much to study and prepare to not become obsolete.
Good night miss, see you... bey
Alina Maria De Leon Polo

marcos guzman said...

technology has reduced the capacity to think, all the young people became easily have let their computers do all the work, its expressions are short and precise method of learning and teaching does not encourage teachers to students to make efforts mentalities for your comments.

Hafid Cure said...

i think that the message into the video show, the problem generated by the tegnology in the class environment, far from be a real adventage the modern systems generate noise between the students and the education, the people use all the resources in useless tasks how facebook,messenger or watching tv, that never will add productivity to their lives.

atte : hafid cure

Yurany said...

I think that the video is very important and very royal of what spending this one in this society with the young men.
At this moment in that such advanced tecnologiasd estan the joves we have become mediocre and conformists with the facility that us this one giving the evolution of the technologies.
I believe that this not this being given only in colombia if not also all over the world
It is very interesting and ojala many young men could see it in order that they realize that estan being useful the time in other less important things
by Yurany P.

Josep Garcia said...

Hi - Josep Garcia
i think this video not is true because in the every world is fellow.
shows the problems what they have abotu technology and their lives, Many students commented about their problems , some said as : i buy hundred dollar texbooks that i never open .
this laptop costs more than some people in the world make in a year.
these are things that show the problems of the techology in the students.

stefany said...

thanks to the internet many peoples have changed their life, but desafortunity others peoples not.
I think that this video show us the reality of the students. actually when we need investigate a work, we prefer surf the net that search in a book, we don't go to library and we like it, because we save time. But only for we are thinking in enter to msn, facebook, player, etc......
really we don't realize that it is badly.
we are lousing our vocation as student that it is struggle to learn new things and we achieve this thanks to the reading.
we must not lose the time in things unnecessary.